I know this blog is called the Ease of Blogging however there are many other aspects to Social Media. The use of Facebook, Twitter and others are worth your getting involved in.
The Internet "IS" your resume if you want to be a social connector. Your blog should have a Facebook page - it is your business. You should have a Twitter handle (oh the CB days).
If you are looking for contacts or contracts your Blog will help but so will you connection on Linked In and the other tools.
The use of many of these tools can be combined. When I post to Curious Voyager I also have a link sent to Foursquare as well as Twitter and my post is being noted on Linked In.
I use Foursquare and Places (Facebook) to login not only for the game playing but also to let people know I am out there.
Hey it can all be fun. Read below and get an idea of where the experts are on this and believe me the Super Bowl 2011 will be big and if the social media thing it is important to them why shouldn't it be important to YOU!