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Monday, May 10, 2010

365 days of Law of Attraction in action

I have added a new blog to the Blog Roll on the left and that is Gail Moe’s 365 days of Law of Attraction in action. It will be interesting to watch this blog of her journey and her endeavor to make her program work.  I could become a student of her travels as it happens I have read many of the masters that she refers to.

This is a personal journal however we could learn a great deal from it. There are side pages such as About this blog and Daily deposits log. This is very well thought out and presented. 

Take a look and read along with Gail.

You can also check out Gail’s redhead communications web site for her work.

1 comment:

  1. I have to thank you, Walter, for being such an excellent teacher. Before taking your class on how to create a blog, I didn't know where to begin. I really appreciate all of your support. And what a treat to know you are familiar with some of the master teachers I reference - that's exciting! Now that you've got me up and out there, I'll do my best to make you proud.


Thank you...